"...There is no reason why a Lutheran should not do some work in a non-Lutheran institution and with liberal theologians. We all have done that. But this must be counterbalanced by a spiritual guidance. And it must be corrected by years of profound studies of the Creeds and Confessions. I was delighted to hear that there is a revival of interesting the confessions at Concordia, St. Louis. This may be a sign that the great awakening of Orthodoxy in Christendom is coming also to your church. It is coming in the Roman Church, in Europe and even in Judaism. Just as in philosophy metaphysics is coming again, so in theology Dogmatics. A few years ago the lecture halls of the dogmaticians were empty, everybody wanted to do hermeneutics and exegesis. Now the tide has turned. No one is any longer interested in Bultmann. I can only wish that your professors in St. Louis and Springfield see what opportunities are open for a true dogmatic theology, based on the Scriptures and the Confessions…
With every good wish and kindest regards,
Yours Sincerely in Christ,
H. Sasse"
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