Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Of Presidents and Poverty (Sojourner)

"Dear Friend,

What happened today was unprecedented. Christian leaders from across the theological and political spectrum came together to demand that the presidential candidates directly address the issue of poverty.

And because of the faith community’s witness, the candidates responded."

"Election seasons often sow deep divisions within our churches. The political pundits focus on the most contentious issues. Super PACs are spending millions of dollars on negative advertising. Sadly, we are often “One Nation, Divided Under God.”

But a new consensus is emerging. Poverty is the common moral concern of Christians in this election season. That is why I stood side by side with leaders from the Catholic Church, the National Association of Evangelicals, the National Council of Churches, Black and Hispanic churches, and other organizations to ask that the candidates address the economic hardships and hopelessness felt by far too many of our brothers and sisters. The newest poverty numbers came out today, the faith community responded, and, at our request, President Obama and Gov. Romney did too.

Thanks for all you’re doing to keep this conversation going.

In Faith,

Jim Wallis"

"The Circle of Protection, composed of Christian leaders from across the religious spectrum, released President Barack Obama's and GOP nominee Mitt Romney's video responses today at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

"For years Christians have been separated by elections, but finally, we have a common ground moral issue: poverty," said Jim Wallis, president and CEO of Sojourners. "… It’s because of this unprecedented unity around those whom Jesus called ‘the least of these’ that the Presidential candidates felt they had to respond.”

"We are calling on religious leaders and all people of faith to listen carefully to what the candidates have to say and when voting be mindful of the least among us," said Rev. David Beckman, president of Bread for the World. "Voting is a sacred obligation; supporting candidates who have demonstrated their commitment to reducing hunger and poverty is integral to good stewardship."

Sandi Villarreal"

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