Friday, May 10, 2013

Lord Jesus, Thou art Going Forth

Here's a neat Lenten hymn I stumbled across today. I thought of a new tune for it, but I'm not the best at recording music videos. Still, the lyrics are really neat as they are set up as a conversation between the Soul and Christ. Below I've slightly modified all but the last two verses: (Click to enlarge.)

1. The Soul: Lord Jesus, Thou art going forth.
For me Thy life to offer.
For me, a sinner from my birth,
who caused all that Thou must suffer.
Amen. The Hope of men.
I follow weeping.
Tears flow free,
Thy pain for all to see,
acquainted with grieving.

2. Jesus: O Soul, attend thou and behold.

The lamb, led now to slaughter.
My portion is the cup of old,
to rid man's sin, My Passion.
The night of sin's dread might,
I lead guilt-bearing.
Thee torn soul,
I make thee whole,
No need now of despairing.
3. 'Tis I, Lord Jesus, I confess,
who should have borne sin's wages.

And lost the peace of heavenly bliss,
through everlasting ages.
Instead, Thou goest now.
I'm watching, mourning.
Stripes for me,
that price for me,
a mercy never-ending.

4. O Soul, I take upon me now,

The pain thou shouldst have suffered.
Behold, with grace I thee endow,
Grace freely to thee offered.
The curse I choose
that thou might lose
the sting of death forever.
My gift of love from heaven above,
will ever give thee blessing.

5. What can I for such love divine
To Thee, Lord Jesus, render?
No merit has this heart of mine;
yet while I live, I'll tender.
Myself and all I own,
I serve loving.
When time's past,
take me at last,
to Thy blest home in glory.

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