If you do not subscribe to Philosophia Christi, I highly recommend it. This is a valuable resource to have at your disposal and a really interesting read. With a subscription to Philosophia Christi, you can also be a member of the E.P.S.. The E.P.S. strives to help thinkers become Christians and Christians to be thinkers (while also helping everyone else in between). They have been active in the states for a while and are hoping to go international. But, to do this they need some support. I know that times are tough, the economy is down, and you really want to go to that RZIM institute this summer. But, also consider donating to this initiative. And, if you don't see God calling you to support it, I would still suggest subscribing to the journal or at least occasionally checking out their articles online.
Oh, and if you do not feel comfortable supporting, subscribing, or reading their articles AT LEAST recommend the area libraries and sources of knowledge to subscribe (they get a discount).
Here is some more information from their website:
- Our journal, Philosophia Christi, is a premier academic source for Christian philosophy, featuring high-quality papers, discussions, and debates on cutting-edge issues.
- Our website attracts scholars from Europe, Canada, South America, Asia and the US.
- We have an active conference schedule, and well-attended national and regional meetings. We also present at non-Christian philosophical and religious societies.
- We train hundreds of parishioners to defend their faith through our annual apologetics conferences. We reach thousands more through the essays, audio, and videos available atwww.epsociety.org.
- With a modest budget and minimal overhead, we cannot move forward without the generosity of friends like you. In just this coming year, we have urgent requests for:
- International conferences (e.g. the UK, Scandinavia, and Japan) to bring Christian truth to cultures dominated by post-Christian ideas.
- Overseas chapters of the EPS (e.g. Australia and New Zealand).
- Academic debates and outreach events in the U.S. and abroad.
- Grants to help overseas scholars attend our conferences in the US.
- Scholarships so the next generation of Christian scholars can attend our conferences.
That is why your support right now can make such a difference!
Please prayerfully consider a generous contribution to the work of the EPS! Thank you for your kindness and together, we can make a big difference for Christ!
Angus Menuge, Ph.D., President Greg Gannsle, Ph.D.
Paul Copan, Ph. D., Past President Craig Hazen, Ph.D.
Garry DeWeese, Ph.D., Vice-President David Horner, Ph.D.
David Baggett, Ph.D. J. P. Moreland, Ph.D.
William Lane Craig, Ph.D. Scott Rae, Ph.D.
Mark Foreman, Ph.D. Scott Smith, Ph. D.
Doug Geivett, Ph.D. Charles Taliaferro, Ph.D.
For more information click here!!
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