Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Ravi Letter

Dear Friend,

If you’ve followed the itinerary, I had planned to be in Australia for ten days of meetings in the latter part of January. By God’s grace, those meetings went extremely well. We were in three cities: Adelaide, Melbourne, and Perth. The turnout was incredible. There were never less than 1500 people present and in every instance, the auditorium full with overflow capacity opened up. I am amazed again to see how many young people come to these meetings. Students from various backgrounds are the principal audience and always want a time for questions. At the last meeting, the altar was crowded with every square inch in the front taken with people kneeling in submission to the Lord. It was a beautiful sight to see hundreds at the front. Even the engagements in Melbourne, at one of Australia’s largest churches, saw a packed crowd for both meetings.

Prior to Australia, I did an open forum at UCLA and, along with Michael Ramsden, answered questions for an hour. Then we lingered another hour with a huge lineup of students waiting to talk. The Lord is blessing these efforts and we are privileged to be in the thick of such evangelism.

Thank you for standing with us, and thank you for all your support and encouragement. The year continues with opportunities and challenges.

Ravi Zacharias


Ravi will be speaking to cadets and soldiers at the United States Military Academy at West Point next week at private events. Ravi will also speak at the Ligonier National Conference in Orlando, Florida, and will address the topic "He Is Risen Indeed."


More Ravi Zacharias:

Critical Thinking



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