Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Forgotten God (Book)

"Whoa." I just finished this book today, and that's about all I can say.

I first saw this book at the Christian book store and the cover drew me in. It sat next to Francis Chan's other book, Crazy Love, and I thought I would read this one first to get an idea of Chan before getting into the other book. My dad and I both got a copy, he finished his and said it was good; I didn't have time to finish mine until this week (Spring Break).

Instead of only getting an idea of Chan's authorship (which I do appreciate as it is easy to read and has many biblical references), I was taught of the Holy Spirit. Chan attempts to point out both the biblical account of the Spirit along with daily examples of Him in our lives. Even though I had understood the Spirit before, this book points out His daily relationship in each Christian. It shows us what we're missing and encourages us to dig in deeper with Him. He is constantly alive and active in us. Without Him, we can do nothing. It is better to be with Him. He can do anything.

Chan cites many memorable examples of the Spirit working in peoples' daily lives. He also is able to understand that this book may rub both "liberals" and "conservatives" the wrong way. That's ok. It is based on truth and those willing to listen will hear. Do not let your ears be deaf (Micah 7:16-17).

The book points out the Lord as neglected:
"How much it grieves Him to watch His children ignore the promises..." (p48).
"The Spirit grieves more deeply than we can even understand" (p72).

It shares cases of the Spirit at work:
"Murderers and swindlers who were utter outcasts were changed before all who watched as the love of Christ, through Esther, healed their hearts and gave them hope... She [Esther] could have just endured her suffering... But she was not content to merely endure. She was ready every day and every moment, asking God, 'Who do You want me to love for You today?'" (p98-99).

And it reminds us of how to live:
"Dependent on Him, desperate for God the Spirit to show up and make a difference. When you begin living a life characterized by walking with the Spirit, that is when people will begin to look not to you but to our Father in heaven and give Him the praise" (p156).

Do not forget God.

(One day, I plan to put this book up on my shelf of "Life-Changing Books.")
(It also looks like I'll have to pick up Crazy Love)

Here's another book review:

Chan, Francis. Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of The Holy Spirit. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2009. 

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